
NewsEvolution: Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Webre

Feb 23, 2020 | Interviews

Dream Energy, C60Evo.com, Solar System

In this episode of NewsEvolution, coHosts Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre explore “WORKING THE DREAM ENERGY – How it will be important to take time to meditate and visualize the timeline we want to be on and also trust the fact that we are on a positive trajectory. We can then create it through our words and actions. The unique properties of a Nobel Prize-winning fullerene miracle molecule [named after inventor Buckminister Fuller] are explored – C60Evo.com – ESS60 with its unique properties as an antioxidant 172 X more powerful than Vitamin C. As an anti-viral and prophylaxis against the CoronaVirus and negative flu-like effects of 5G radiation; as a preventative against cancer. In an era of Survival of the fittest, C60Evo.com – ESS60 slows aging [has extended the life-span of mammals by 90%], heals, strengthens sleep, mental focus, immune system, and libido. An upgrade and transformational ascension of our severely targeted solar system – targeted by a great catastrophe that brought down Earth from a 12th dimension planet in a thriving solar system and advanced interplanetary society – through full disclosure and open Exopolitics and Treaties among the living Civilizations on Venus, Mars and Earth.


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